This Trainer Is Using 2 Obscure Medical Devices To Help Athletes Develop A 40″+...
We caught up with Pro/Olympic level jump trainer Jacob Hiller recently. ...
bla bla bla
then we keep it low key
and make all the qeustions and anwers things that overcome objections
So Mr Brotein shake... where can people learn more about you?
How To Jump Higher Using A Simple Trick Track & Field Athletes Have Used...
This is just one of the many techniques that can immediately add height to your jump. You can get access to the rest of them inside our Instant Inches program here.
The 2-Part Formula For Jumping Higher
Today I want to talk to you about How to Jump Higher Formula. It’s a two-part formula really.
The first part is strength. If you are not strong, then you’re legs are saying “You’re heavy! You’re too heavy!”
So if you’re...
Our Single Best Vertical Jump Exercise. Period. (Developed From 10+ Years of Research)
If you want to jump higher, a couple of things to keep in mind.
First of all, jump roping does not work. It teaches you to jump below a thousand times. It’s a high volume, low intensity stimulus. When you...
How to Jump Higher: Targeting The Right Type of Muscle Growth
So today I want to talk to you guys about two types of muscle growth that exist.
The the of muscle growth that you target in your training is going to determine is you get stronger and more explosive. Sarcomeric...
How To Develop An Explosive Vertical Leap – it’s not only about strength
What I want to talk to you guys today about the fact that strength is not what makes you more explosive. Strength will not make you necessarily more explosive because strength is about overcoming resistance. But if you’re not...
Does Jumping Rope Increase Vertical Leap?
Jump rope is an exercise that could be killing your vertical leap.
Does jumping rope increase vertical leap?
It can, but only at first... and from that point on your vertical leap may begin to slowly decrease.
Let me tell you why...
Are Calves Important For Your Vertical Leap?
Download The "Power Bouncing" Tendon Workout Here
I always get asked "how are the calves important in how high you jump?". People always ask me, "how important are the calves?"
Oh, the calves are important... Oh, they aren't...
I want to cut...
Why Should I Use The Jump Manual Vs. Any Other Programs Out There?
A question I get a lot is "What's the difference between using the Jump Manual and so many of the other programs out there?"...
First off, I'm not here to bash anyone else’s program because there are a lot of...
Coaches: How To Implement Vertical Jump Training For Your Team
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