The 2-Part Formula For Jumping Higher

Today I want to talk to you about How to Jump Higher Formula. It’s a two-part formula really.

The first part is strength. If you are not strong, then you’re legs are saying “You’re heavy! You’re too heavy!”

So if you’re weak, your legs are weak, your body’s weak, your body feels heavy. And if you’re not strong enough to overcome your own body weight, you’re always going to feel heavy.

So before you can even move your body, you have to be strong. Strength is the first part of the formula. Without strength, there’s no explosiveness. There’s no movement at all and the stronger you are, the easy it is to move yourself, the higher you feel on your feet.

So you must strength and building strength is a very specific training protocol especially for jumping higher. So that is one part of the formula.

The second part of the formula is quickness. And quickness means how well you use that strength. So there are people who are strong but they move very slowly. They could move a car but they’ve trained their muscles to move slowly so they can’t throw they can just lift it very slowly. And the same is true with their own body. They can put stacks of weight on their back but they move that weight very slowly.

That’s why you see a very strong athlete who sometimes doesn’t jump very high and a weak athlete who actually jumps higher. It’s because he’s enabled his muscles to fire faster, to move them at a very high rate of force.

So the strength combined with the quickness makes you explosive. Strength and quickness equals explosiveness.

Previous articleHow To Jump Higher Off One Leg
Jacob Hiller is considered one of the most sought after vertical jump trainers in the world. He has been sought out by organizations such as ESPN, Men's Health, Fadeaway Magazine and others to learn his methods. Jacob has trained athletes in over 43 different countries around the world at Amateur, Collegiate, Professional, NBA and Olympic levels.