If you want to jump higher, a couple of things to keep in mind.
First of all, jump roping does not work. It teaches you to jump below a thousand times. It’s a high volume, low intensity stimulus. When you jump high to dunk, you’re doing a very high-intensity, low-volume movement. Meaning you’re doing it like you know two to five times. You’re not doing it 500 times at low intensity. Jumping rope will not increase your strength and it will not increase your explosive power, even if you’re in high heels like this girl.
Angle weights was popularized by a movie called The Goat which is about a guy who could jump and touch the top of backboard. He trained using ankle weight. Guess what, that’s Hollywood. Ankle weights way about 5 to 10 pounds. That’s not enough resistance to increase your strengths and those ankle weights around your ankles will do nothing except put your knees in risk of injury.
This comes from the 80’s, it doesn’t work. No one has ever done ankle weights has increased their vertical leap from ankle weights. Period.
Let’s keep going. Plyometrics. The plyometrics that you’re seeing people do were popularized by the P90X program. They have “plyometrics” section where they do thousands, literally thousands plyometrics.
Plyometrics came from Russia as a form of training called “shock training.” This was designed to literally shock your body into sending stronger signals. But what we have turned it into is an aerobic activity that helps you lose weight and get cut. That is not what plyometrics were meant to do and I can teach you the proper way to do plyometrics so you actually do increase the signal that you’re giving your body.
But you’re seeing in television and what you’re seeing people do in Youtube videos is not right.
How about squats? Check out this guy. Look at those legs. This guy can squat a ton of weight but he cannot jump 40 inches. Squatting can actually make you jump lower and it can make your body slower.
How you do your squats? There’s an Olympic squats, there’s powerlifting squats. There’s hack squats, there’s half squats, there’s partial reps. There’s all kinds of squats.
There is basically one or two squats that will actually work and they will only work if you do them properly and you have to couple them with other exercises. If you’ve done squats and wondered how come you’re not jumping higher or why you’re jumping lower, there’s a very specific reason for it.
So squats alone will not make you explosive although they can make you stronger and and bigger.
What actually does work? So my name is Jacob Hiller. This is me in the video. I’m 33 years old and I can still jump 44 inches because I’ve learned to train the right muscles by very specific joint muscles make those muscles stronger. So the muscles that make you jump are strong but they also have to be explosive or quick.
There’s a very specific way to train. The number one best vertical jump exercise where I will go over why this works, how to do it and how set this up so you can start gaining inches on your vertical.
If you start doing this exercise today, I mean you work the video, you go to the gym, you start getting busy, you can start gaining inches on your vertical every single week. Just from doing this one exercise so this is usually an exercise that people pay to get in one of the programs that we have but I’m temporarily putting a video of me explaining the exercise online. You can grab it today, put your name and email and there’s a video on the other side. There’s lots of people making comments and email me about the results they’re getting so I will see you on the other side of your video and I will look forward to your comments.