Vertical jump programs don’t work

Yo! So I got this guy. Let me see what his name is. His name is T Laskov. What’s up T?

So he says, “I did — program and I only gained 2 inches. I’d like to try your program but I’m a little hesitant because I’m not sure if this gonna work.”

That’s a legitimate kind of frustration. I tried blank program, this program, this, that, the other. It didn’t work. So here’s a couple of ways to evaluate that. If it didn’t work, either you’re messed up and you just can’t increase your vertical, can’t increase your athleticism and that’s a personal problem you’re going to have to deal with your whole life.

Or if the program didn’t work, you know maybe the program didn’t have it all or maybe you didn’t do something right in the program. So either it’s your program and you’ve got problems and you’re never going to be able to increase that vert or maybe the program isn’t right.

So I’m going to suggest that it’s number two because you’re a human being, I’m a human being, a lot of human beings out there were made to adapt. Our bodies, our muscles, our central nervous system is made to adapt. And you’ve been adapting since you were 0 years old. So you can get better, you can get a lot better.

But as far as you know this vertical jump program and that vertical jump program, you know, a lot of people ask me that person. “Hey, oh yeah, you know you do an athletic training program, you know I tried this.” And the first thing I asked them as I say “Did the program, what was the major strength component?” And if they say certain exercise, I would said well how many sets and reps were you doing? And then I say well kind, for example, squats what kind of squats were you doing?

Because you know what, when you do squats like this…it’s not the same as doing squats like this and it’s not the same as doing squats like this, and it’s not the same doing squats like this. There is a lot of different squats out there.

So when people say I’ve done squats and it didn’t work, well what kind of squats did you do, what kind of deadlifts did you do? How did you do them, did you you them explosively? Did you do them slowly, did you do them to failure every single time? You know did you get stronger?

So there’s a lot of questions about that. So let’s just say there was a strength component and then I asked people was there a major you know plyometric component? Was there a major technique component?

So you’ve got to evaluate the program. You don’t just say I tried the program because all the programs are not related equal.

So you’ve got to do the right program, you got to do the right intensity. There’s a lot of variables.

So I’d say in the end, when you’re evaluating whether you should try some because the last one didn’t work is to delve into the details. Does this program have a strength component? Does it have a quickness and plyometric component? Does it have a technique component? Does it accommodate proper recovery and nutrition?

There’s a lot of things that you want to look into. The more comprehensive your approach is and the more precise and intense your activity level is the better your results should be. There are a lot of programs out there that target high reps. Only a plyometric component, or no technique component or they’re not specific enough in targeting joint angles or muscle groups. There’s a lot of rates but the last thing you should do is you say “It didn’t work for me so maybe nothing’s going to work for me because that’s just not a very precise approach. It’s not a very productive approach.

So I hope this helped. I know that many of you are in this position right. You’ve tried something, you didn’t get the results you wanted and you’re wondering should I have learned my lesson. I’m just saying even though both would claim to be a you know athleticism program or vertical jump increasing program. They’re really quite different angles based on how they target exercises, what aspects of athleticism, how they targeted, et cetera.

So if you have questions, post them on the down low, right below here, hit me up on Twitter, Facebook, I don’t know.